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Public Act Number: 152
Public Act Year: 1996
Document Type(s): MCLs
(8 results found)
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Section 29.1 Section Definitions.
Section 29.3b Section State fire safety board; creation; appointment, qualifications, terms, and removal of members; quorum; voting; hearing; chairperson; regular and special meetings; conducting business at public meeting; expenses; appropriation; minutes; record; availability of certain writings to public; confidentiality; reports, analyses, or summaries.
Section 29.3c Section Rules; review and consideration; variation of application of rule; board as hearing body; modification of ruling or interpretation; decision; exemption.
Section 29.5a Section Inspection of vehicle transporting hazardous material; violation; notice of condemnation; allowing vehicle to proceed to make deliveries; return and repair of vehicle; impounding vehicle; temporary release; notice of correction of conditions; reinspection; release upon compliance and payment of expenses; notice; conduct by official.
Section 29.5c Section Filling or storage locations; certificate; approval of department of environmental quality; exception.
Section 29.5d Section Issuance of certificates; authorization to conduct inspections; annual fee; revocation of authorization; exemptions; review of procedures; installation application; fee per tank; waiver; payment and amount of fees; exemptions; certain local ordinance prohibited; collection and disposition of fees; creation of hazardous materials storage tank regulatory enforcement fund.
Section 29.5e Section Finding of noncompliance; revoking or denying renewal of certificate; order.
Section 29.31 Section Township, city, village, or county ordinance or resolution; rules; “inconsistent” defined; fee.