Search Results
Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2021-2022
Detailed Category: Law enforcement: peace officers
Legislative Session(s): 2021-2022
Detailed Category: Law enforcement: peace officers
(16 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0041 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Law enforcement: peace officers; authority for park and recreation officers to enforce certain marihuana-related offenses; provide for. Amends sec. 1606 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.1606). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON REGULATORY REFORM |
SB 0590 of 2021 | Senate Bill |
Law enforcement: peace officers; conservation officers to wear body cams while on patrol; require. Amends 1986 PA 109 (MCL 300.21 - 300.22) by adding sec. 1a. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY AND PUBLIC SAFETY |
HB 4312 of 2021 | House Bill |
Weapons: concealed; waiver for certain individuals to carry weapon without obtaining a license; expand to include animal control officers. Amends sec. 12a of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.432a). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/23/2021 |
HB 4415 of 2021 | House Bill |
Law enforcement: peace officers; inspection and enforcement procedures by the department of natural resources; require probable cause to search. Amends sec. 43516 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.43516). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 03/02/2021 |
HB 4539 of 2021 | House Bill |
Counties: ordinances; county law enforcement protection act; create. Creates new act. Last Action: referred to second reading |
HB 4717 of 2021 | House Bill |
Law enforcement: peace officers; conservation officers to inquire about a CPL license when requesting forms of identification from individuals; require. Amends sec. 5f of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425f). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 04/27/2021 |
HB 4874 of 2021 | House Bill |
Law enforcement: employment; volunteer law enforcement officers; prohibit. Creates new act. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 05/18/2021 |
HB 4969 of 2021 | House Bill |
Law enforcement: peace officers; conservation officers to wear body cams while on patrol; require. Amends 1986 PA 109 (MCL 300.21 - 300.22) by adding sec. 1a. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES |
HB 5239 of 2021 | House Bill |
Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits; certain references in public act relating to disability compensation for peace officer; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 2 of 1937 PA 329 (MCL 419.102). TIE BAR WITH: HJR J'21 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 07/01/2021 |
SB 1003 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Law enforcement: training; definition of peace officer in ORV laws; include. Amends secs. 81101, 81132, 81145, 81146 & 81150 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.81101 et seq.). Last Action: referred to second reading |
SB 1132 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Crimes: criminal sexual conduct; law enforcement officer engaging in sexual penetration or sexual contact with an individual in the officer's custody while in the line of duty; prohibit. Amends secs. 520a, 520b, 520c, 520d & 520e of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.520a et seq.). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY AND PUBLIC SAFETY |
SB 1172 of 2022 | Senate Bill |
Mental health: code; definition of a peace officer in the mental health code; modify. Amends sec. 100c of 1974 PA 258 (MCL 330.1100c). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE |
HB 6332 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: safety; liability for law enforcement officer assigned to the school; provide school districts to assume. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1245. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/30/2022 |
HB 6333 of 2022 | House Bill |
Education: safety; school safety guardian program; create. Creates new act. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/30/2022 |
HB 6398 of 2022 | House Bill |
Mental health: code; definition of a peace officer in the mental health code; modify. Amends sec. 100c of 1974 PA 258 (MCL 330.1100c). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 09/22/2022 |
HB 6518 of 2022 | House Bill |
Law enforcement: other; secular organizations to be included in certain meetings where certain individuals could be apprehended for interruptions; provide for. Amends sec. 27 of 1846 RS 158 (MCL 752.527). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 11/29/2022 |