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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2019-2020
Detailed Category: Transportation: motor fuel tax
(12 results found)
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Document Type Description
SB 0028 of 2019 Senate Bill Transportation: motor fuel tax; fuel tax; require to be dispersed to county where fuel is pumped. Amends sec. 10 of 1951 PA 51 (MCL 247.660) by adding sec. 10i.
HB 4779 of 2019 House Bill Transportation: motor fuel tax; use of vehicle-miles-traveled tax system; implement, and earmark. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4782'19
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/26/2019
HB 4963 of 2019 House Bill Taxation: excise taxes; local option fuel excise tax; provide for. Creates new act.
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 09/12/2019
HB 5255 of 2019 House Bill Transportation: motor fuel tax; motor fuel tax; decrease. Amends sec. 8 of 2000 PA 403 (MCL 207.1008).
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 11/13/2019
HB 5284 of 2019 House Bill Transportation: motor fuel tax; distribution of motor fuel tax for roads; allocate revenue to road agency in county in proportion to number of registered vehicles, and apply per lane mile. Amends sec. 10 of 1951 PA 51 (MCL 247.660) & adds sec. 10i.
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 12/05/2019
HB 5582 of 2020 House Bill Sales tax: exemptions; motor and aviation fuel sales; exempt. Amends secs. 6a, 6c & 25 of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.56a et seq.) & adds secs. 4gg & 4ii. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5583'20, HB 5584'20, HB 5585'20, HB 5586'20
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 03/05/2020
HB 5583 of 2020 House Bill Use tax: exemptions; motor and aviation fuel sales; exempt. Amends secs. 6c & 21 of 1937 PA 94 (MCL 205.96c & 205.111) & adds secs. 4gg & 4ii. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5582'20, HB 5584'20, HB 5585'20, HB 5586'20
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 03/05/2020
HB 5584 of 2020 House Bill Sales tax: exemptions; tax on motor fuel; exclude. Amends sec. 5 of 2004 PA 175 (MCL 205.175). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5582'20, HB 5583'20, HB 5582'20, HB 5583'20, HB 5585'20, HB 5586'20
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 03/05/2020
HB 5585 of 2020 House Bill Transportation: motor fuel tax; motor fuel tax; increase, and earmark into the transportation fund. Amends secs. 2, 6 & 8 of 2000 PA 403 (MCL 207.1002 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5582'20, HB 5583'20, HB 5584'20, HB 5586'20
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 03/05/2020
HB 6500 of 2020 House Bill Transportation: motor fuel tax; motor fuel tax reciprocity agreements; revise. Amends title & secs. 1 & 3 of 1960 PA 124 (MCL 3.161 & 3.163).
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 12/02/2020
HB 6501 of 2020 House Bill Transportation: motor fuel tax; exemption from the international fuel tax agreement for motor fuel tax reciprocity agreements; allow. Amends sec. 3 of 1980 PA 119 (MCL 207.213). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6500'20
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 12/02/2020
HB 6502 of 2020 House Bill Transportation: motor fuel tax; exemption from the collection of streamlined sales and use tax under the international fuel tax agreement for motor fuel tax reciprocity agreements; allow. Amends sec. 5 of 2004 PA 175 (MCL 205.175). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6500'20
Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 12/02/2020