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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2015-2016
Detailed Category: Liquor: authorized distribution agents
(2 results found)
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Document Type Description
HB 4036 of 2015 House Bill Liquor; authorized distribution agents; record-keeping and reporting requirements and taxation of samples; provide for. Amends secs. 205 & 1027 of 1998 PA 58 (MCL 436.1205 & 436.2027).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/22/2015
HB 4581 of 2015
(PA 246 of 2015)
House Bill Liquor; authorized distribution agents; cap on the per case fee that the commission pays to a vendor to offset cost of vendor contracting with an authorized distribution agent; increase. Amends sec. 205 of 1998 PA 58 (MCL 436.1205).
Last Action: assigned PA 246'15 with immediate effect 2015 ADDENDA