Search Results
Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2011-2012
Detailed Category: Natural resources: Great Lakes
Legislative Session(s): 2011-2012
Detailed Category: Natural resources: Great Lakes
(7 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0422 of 2011 (PA 0090 of 2011) |
Senate Bill |
Environmental protection; permits; various permit fees; extend sunset. Amends secs. 3104, 3118, 3120, 3122, 3306, 11135, 11153, 12103, 12109, 12112, 30104, 30109, 32312, 32513, 80130, 80315, 81114 & 82156 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.3104 et seq.). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0090'11 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
HB 4133 of 2011 | House Bill |
Water; quality; water quality alliances; provide for. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding pt. 32. Last Action: referred to second reading |
HB 4499 of 2011 | House Bill |
Natural resources; Great Lakes; off-shore wind development; prohibit. Amends secs. 32503 & 32512 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.32503 & 324.32512). Last Action: printed bill filed 03/25/2011 |
HB 4554 of 2011 (PA 218 of 2011) |
House Bill |
Natural resources; Great Lakes; submerged log permits; modify requirements. Amends secs. 1301, 1307, 30102, 30104, 32603, 32604, 32606, 32607, 32609 & 32611 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.1301 et seq.). Last Action: assigned PA 218'11 with immediate effect |
HB 4882 of 2011 | House Bill |
Natural resources; Great Lakes; sinking of vessels and other recreational diving structures in the Great Lakes for scuba diving; provide for. Amends secs. 1301, 32501, 32503, 32512, 76101, 76102, 76103, 76104, 76105, 76107, 76108, 76109, 76110, 76111, 76112, 76113, 76114, 76115 & 76118 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.1301 et seq.) & adds secs. 32512b & 76112a. Last Action: printed bill filed 08/25/2011 |
SB 1212 of 2012 | Senate Bill |
Environmental protection; water pollution; oceangoing vessels engaging in port operations; authorize permit if ballast tanks have been flushed with sea water. Amends sec. 3112 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.3112). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES, ENVIRONMENT AND GREAT LAKES |
HB 5869 of 2012 | House Bill |
Environmental protection; water pollution; oceangoing vessels engaging in port operations; authorize permit if ballast tanks have been flushed with sea water. Amends sec. 3112 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.3112). Last Action: printed bill filed 09/12/2012 |