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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2005-2006
Detailed Category: Retirement: judges
(4 results found)
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Document Type Description
SB 0206 of 2005 Senate Bill Retirement; judges; retirement allowance for judges; increase. Amends 1992 PA 234 (MCL 38.2101 - 38.2670) by adding sec. 513.
HB 4167 of 2005 House Bill Retirement; judges; retirement allowance for judges; increase. Amends 1992 PA 234 (MCL 38.2101 - 38.2670) by adding sec. 513.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/03/2005
HB 5289 of 2005 House Bill Retirement; judges; age of retirement for judges; increase to 75 years of age. Amends sec. 401 of 1992 PA 234 (MCL 38.2401).
Last Action: notice given to discharge committee
HB 6345 of 2006 House Bill Retirement; judges; health insurance benefits for trial judges; provide for. Amends 1992 PA 234 (MCL 38.2101 - 38.2670) by adding sec. 719a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 08/17/2006