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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2001-2002
Detailed Category: Economic development: michigan economic growth authority
Legislative Session(s): 2001-2002
Detailed Category: Economic development: michigan economic growth authority
(3 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 1319 of 2002 | Senate Bill |
Economic development; Michigan economic growth authority; definition of facility and criteria for credit; revise and modify.
Amends secs. 3, 4 & 8 of 1995 PA 24 (MCL 207.803 et seq.).
HB 6040 of 2002 | House Bill |
Economic development; Michigan economic growth authority; low-interest loans for certain improvements to improve the tourism industry; provide for.
Amends 1855 PA 105 (MCL 21.141 - 21.147) by adding sec. 2f.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce |
HB 6077 of 2002 | House Bill |
Economic development; Michigan economic growth authority; definition of facility and criteria for credit; revise and modify.
Amends secs. 3, 4 & 8 of 1995 PA 24 (MCL 207.803 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to second reading |