Search Results
Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 1999-2000
Detailed Category: Transportation: motor fuel tax
Legislative Session(s): 1999-2000
Detailed Category: Transportation: motor fuel tax
(10 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0178 of 1999 | Senate Bill |
Transportation; motor fuel tax; wholesale distributor of diesel motor fuel; require to pay taxes to the department of treasury at time of filing a report on all gallons tax exempt but not sold for tax exempt purposes
during the reporting period.
Amends sec. 12 of 1927 PA 150 (MCL 207.112).
Last Action: referred to second reading |
HB 4500 of 1999 | House Bill |
Transportation; motor fuel tax; diesel discount; eliminate from gas tax.
Amends secs. 8 & 22 of 1927 PA 150 (MCL 207.108 & 207.122).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 4911 of 1999 | House Bill |
Transportation; motor fuel tax; gas tax; reduce and increase diesel tax.
Amends sec. 2 of 1927 PA 150 (MCL 207.102).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
SB 1185 of 2000 | Senate Bill |
Sales tax; exemptions; federal tax on gasoline; deduct from gross proceeds.
Amends sec. 1 of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.51).
SB 1205 of 2000 (PA 403 of 2000) |
Senate Bill |
Transportation; motor fuel tax; collection of tax; revise procedure.
Repeals 1927 PA 150 (MCL 207.101 - 207.202).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0403'00 |
SB 1265 of 2000 (PA 405 of 2000) |
Senate Bill |
Transportation; motor fuel tax; fuel used in watercraft; clarify collection of tax to conform with new motor fuel tax act.
Amends sec. 71102 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.71102).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0405'00 |
HB 5571 of 2000 | House Bill |
Sales tax; exemptions; sales tax on federal gasoline tax; deduct from gross proceeds.
Amends sec. 1 of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.51) & adds sec. 10.
Last Action: referred to second reading |
HB 5807 of 2000 | House Bill |
Transportation; motor fuel tax; diesel fuel tax rate; remove discount and provide for allocation of certain revenue.
Amends secs. 8, 22 & 34 of 1927 PA 150 (MCL 207.108 et seq.).
Last Action: placed on third reading |
HB 6045 of 2000 | House Bill |
Sales tax; collections; sales tax collections on gasoline; provide for cap.
Amends 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.51 - 205.78) by adding sec. 4aa.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 6072 of 2000 | House Bill |
Vehicles; registration; deduction for overpayment of gas tax; provide for.
Amends sec. 801 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.801).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation |