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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 1999-2000
Detailed Category: Businesses: charitable organizations
(17 results found)
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Document Type Description
SB 0796 of 1999
(PA 195 of 2000)
Senate Bill Income tax; credit; contributions to community foundation, homeless shelter, and food bank; increase. Amends sec. 261 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.261).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0195'00
SB 0801 of 1999
(PA 309 of 2000)
Senate Bill Property tax; exemptions; real and personal property owned by a charitable organization which is occupied and used by the chief executive officer as a principal residence and real and personal property leased, loaned, or otherwise made available to a governmental entity; exempt. Amends sec. 7o of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7o).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0309'00
HB 4226 of 1999 House Bill Businesses; charitable organizations; suspension of charitable trusts; exclude hospitals from exemptions. Amends sec. 3 of 1961 PA 101 (MCL 14.253).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4259 of 1999 House Bill Businesses; charitable organizations; charitable organizations and solicitations act; revise. Amends title & secs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 & 23 of 1975 PA 169 (MCL 400.272 et seq.); adds secs. 3a, 19, 19a, 19b, 19c, 19d, 22a, 23a, 23b & 23c & repeals secs. 14 & 22 of 1975
HB 4730 of 1999 House Bill Income tax; credit; contributions to certain nonprofit charities; establish credit. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 268.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4734 of 1999 House Bill Vehicles; license plates; designation of revenue from certain specialty plates to homeless organizations; provide for. Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding sec. 811d.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 4836 of 1999 House Bill Income tax; credit; contributions to community foundation, homeless shelter, or food bank; increase. Amends sec. 261 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.261).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4921 of 1999 House Bill Income tax; credit; credit for contribution to certain charitable organizations; increase. Amends sec. 260 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.260).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 4922 of 1999 House Bill Income tax; credit; contributions to community foundations, homeless shelters, and food banks; increase. Amends sec. 261 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.261).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5025 of 1999 House Bill Income tax; credit; public contribution tax credit; provide for increase. Amends sec. 260 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.260). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5026'99 HB 5027'99
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5026 of 1999 House Bill Income tax; credit; public contribution tax credit; provide for increase. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 260a. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5025'99 HB 5027'99
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5027 of 1999 House Bill Income tax; credit; public contribution tax credit; provide for increase. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 260b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5025'99 HB 5026'99
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
SB 1250 of 2000 Senate Bill Property tax; exemptions; property leased by a nonprofit corporation to a political subdivision of this state; exempt. Amends sec. 7o of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7o).
SB 1345 of 2000
(PA 429 of 2000)
Senate Bill Single business tax; tax base; services performed by an attorney-in-fact for its reciprocal insurance exchanges; clarify tax status, provide for a credit for certain taxpayers, and expand criteria for community foundations. Amends secs. 35, 35a, 37c & 38c of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.35 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: SB 1046'00
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0429'00
SB 1382 of 2000
(PA 400 of 2000)
Senate Bill Income tax; deductions; contributions to a charity from a qualified pension plan; provide for. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0400'00
SB 1424 of 2000 Senate Bill Single business tax; credit; contributions to community foundation; increase. Amends sec. 38c of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.38c).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HB 5578 of 2000 House Bill Campaign finance; statements and reports; reporting requirements for certain charitable foundations; clarify. Amends secs. 3 & 33 of 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.203 & 169.233).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Constitutional Law and Ethics