MCL - 451-1994-II-6-191

Act 451 of 1994
Part 191
Document Type Description
Section 324.19101 Section Meanings of words and phrases.
Section 324.19102 Section Definitions; A to N.
Section 324.19103 Section Definitions; P to W.
Section 324.19104 Section Clean Michigan fund; creation; appropriations, gifts, and donations; expenditures.
Section 324.19105 Section Grants to counties for establishment of revolving loan fund; use of initial grant; percentage of grant utilized for administration of loan program; use of loans; establishment, duties, and membership of county loan board; conditions to making loan; annual audit; liability of county; maximum grant.
Section 324.19106 Section Waste stream assessments.
Section 324.19107 Section Recycling and composting feasibility studies.
Section 324.19108 Section Waste-to-energy feasibility studies.
Section 324.19109 Section Educational program with respect to resource recovery; resource recovery education grant program; authorized grants; factors in selecting recipients; limitations on expenditures.
Section 324.19110 Section Solid waste transfer station grant program.
Section 324.19111 Section Recycling and composting capital grant program.
Section 324.19112 Section Waste-to-energy capital grant program.
Section 324.19113 Section Recycling operational grant program.
Section 324.19114 Section Composting operational grant program.
Section 324.19115 Section Household hazardous waste disposal grant program.
Section 324.19116 Section Statewide market development research study; market development plan; market development grant program; selection of development projects; selecting recipients of market development grants; permits as condition to dispensing market development grant; limitation on expenditures.
Section 324.19117 Section Program to perform hydrogeological monitoring studies on open and closed sanitary landfills and open dumps owned by municipalities.
Section 324.19118 Section Sanitary landfill and open dump closure or reclosure matching grant program.
Section 324.19119 Section Project producing site separated materials; eligibility for grant.
Section 324.19120 Section Administration of studies, assessments, and programs; application for inclusion in study or assessment or for grant; project summary.
Section 324.19121 Section Reports.