MCL - Section 445.2a
Act 101 of 1907
445.2a Assumed name; change of business location certificate, filing.
Sec. 2-a.
Whenever an assumed name concern has changed or changes its place of business, it shall be the duty of the person or persons conducting such business to file with the county clerk, with whom the certificate or renewal certificate required under the provisions of section 1 or 1a of this act was filed, a certificate stating the change in business location, which certificate shall be attached by the county clerk to the certificate or renewal certificate filed under the provisions of section 1 or 1a of this act, and, in case the business location is changed to some other county or counties in this state, to file the assumed name certificate or renewal certificate required under the provisions of section 1 or 1a of this act, with the clerk of such county, before doing any business in such county.
History: Add. 1931, Act 272, Eff. Sept. 18, 1931
CL 1948, 445.2a
Am. 1949, Act 151, Eff. Sept. 23, 1949