MCL - Section 445.1a
Act 101 of 1907
445.1a Certificate; use of assumed name authorized for 5 years; renewal certificate; filing, form, fee, and duration; notice; abandonment of assumed name; destruction of certificate.
Sec. 1a.
The certificate when acknowledged and filed as required in section 1 shall authorize use of the assumed name for 5 years. If before the expiration date a renewal certificate, on forms to be provided by the county clerk, is filed with the clerk and a fee of $4.00 paid, the renewal certificate shall extend the right to use the assumed name for an additional 5-year period from the date of expiration of the original certificate, or renewal if it has previously been renewed. Between the sixtieth and thirtieth day before the expiration date of an outstanding certificate, the county clerk shall mail to the person or persons whose certificate will expire renewal certificate blank forms, in duplicate, together with a notice, on form to be provided by the clerk, that the certificate authorizing .......... and .......... to conduct business under the assumed name of ......... expires at 5 p.m. on the ..... day of .........., and that failure to file a renewal certificate and pay a fee of $4.00 before the expiration date shall on that date constitute abandonment of the assumed name. The notice required in this act shall be mailed by the county clerk to the last address of the person or persons whose certificate will expire, as stated on the original or renewal certificate. Six years after an original or renewal certificate has expired, the county clerk may destroy the certificate.
History: Add. 1949, Act 151, Eff. Sept. 23, 1949
Am. 1977, Act 121, Imd. Eff. Oct. 19, 1977