MCL - 368-1978-17-222
Act 368 of 1978
Document | Type | Description |
Section 333.22201 | Section | Meanings of words and phrases; principles of construction. |
Section 333.22203 | Section | Definitions; A to F. |
Section 333.22205 | Section | Definitions; H to M. |
Section 333.22207 | Section | Definitions; M to S. |
Section 333.22208 | Section | Definitions; T. |
Section 333.22209 | Section | Activities requiring certificate of need; exceptions; requirements; acquisition of existing health facility; relocation; “sharing agreement” defined. |
Section 333.22210 | Section | Certificate of need for extended care services program; application; criteria; modification; fee prohibited; compliance; report; discrimination prohibited; exercise of rights; written acknowledgment; forms; additional rights; violation; penalty; certificate required; definitions. |
Section 333.22211 | Section | Certificate of need commission; creation; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; vacancy; laws to which commission members subject. |
Section 333.22213 | Section | Commission; bylaws; removal of member; election of chairperson and vice-chairperson; meetings; quorum; final action; compensation and expenses; duties of department; professional employees. |
Section 333.22215 | Section | Duties of commission; purpose; public hearing before final action; submission of proposed final action to joint committee; approval or disapproval; review standards; revision of fees. |
Section 333.22217 | Section | Repealed. 2002, Act 619, Eff. Mar. 31, 2003. |
Section 333.22219 | Section | Joint legislative committee. |
Section 333.22221 | Section | Duties of department generally. |
Section 333.22223 | Section | Application for certificate of need; statement addressing review criteria. |
Section 333.22224 | Section | Repealed. 2023, Act 209, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024. |
Section 333.22224a | Section | Magnetic resonance image units. |
Section 333.22224b | Section | Positron emission tomography scanner services pilot project. |
Section 333.22225 | Section | Demonstration of need for proposed project; additional requirements. |
Section 333.22226 | Section | Regional certificate of need review agency; standards; designation of person for specific review area; requirements; duration and termination of agency; local certificate of need review agency; application or other information; review; recommendations; decision; convening consumers, providers, purchasers, or payers of health care; public hearing; meetings; “review area” defined. |
Section 333.22227 | Section | Health maintenance organization; purposes for which certificate of need required; capital expenditures; considerations and criteria. |
Section 333.22229 | Section | Projects and services subject to comparative review; exceptions; establishment of comparative review or alternative procedure; proposed site for project; utilization and financing of covered clinical services. |
Section 333.22230 | Section | Participation in medicaid program as distinct criterion. |
Section 333.22231 | Section | Decision to grant or deny application for certificate of need; conditions; single decision for all applications; proposed decision; final decision; notice of reversal; hearing; judicial review; effect of exceeding time frames. |
Section 333.22232 | Section | Hearing; written request; appointment and duties of hearing officer; governing law. |
Section 333.22233 | Section | Waiver of criteria and procedures. |
Section 333.22235 | Section | Waiver of law and procedural requirements and criteria for review; affidavit; emergency certificate of need. |
Section 333.22237 | Section | Data and statistics as condition precedent to issuance of certificate of need. |
Section 333.22239 | Section | Stipulation. |
Section 333.22241 | Section | “New technology” defined; new technology review period; conditions to acquisition of new technology before end of review period; appointment, composition, and purpose of standing new medical technology advisory committee. |
Section 333.22243 | Section | Acquisition of new technology before approval of federal food and drug administration; notice; requirements; deactivation and removal of new technology from service; conditions to utilizing new technology beyond specified period. |
Section 333.22247 | Section | Monitoring compliance with certificates of need; investigating allegations of noncompliance; violation; sanctions; refund of charges. |
Section 333.22249 | Section | Agreement authorizing hospital to lease space and operate beds in another hospital; conditions. |
Section 333.22251 | Section | Repealed. 1993, Act 88, Imd. Eff. July 9, 1993. |
Section 333.22253 | Section | Injunction or other process to restrain or prevent violation. |
Section 333.22255 | Section | Procedural rules. |
Section 333.22257 | Section | Certificate of need issued under former part 221. |
Section 333.22260 | Section | Reports of reviews; preparation and publication; statements; recommendations; public examination of applications and written materials on file; providing copies. |