MCL - 299-1980-3
Act 299 of 1980
Document | Type | Description |
Section 339.301 | Section | Boards; composition; qualifications of members; director as ex officio member. |
Section 339.302 | Section | Nomination and appointment of board members. |
Section 339.303 | Section | Terms of board members; vacancy; appointment and removal of members; qualifications; terms. |
Section 339.303a | Section | Commencement of terms; dates. |
Section 339.304 | Section | Compensation and expenses of board members. |
Section 339.305 | Section | Board; meetings; quorum; voting by proxy prohibited; conduct of meeting; availability of files. |
Section 339.306 | Section | Board; election of officers; vacancy; bylaws; report. |
Section 339.307 | Section | Board; creation within department; duties; attendance of board member at informal conference; assisting department. |
Section 339.308 | Section | Promulgation of rules. |
Section 339.309 | Section | Assessment of penalties. |
Section 339.310 | Section | Aiding department in interpreting licensure or registration requirements. |
Section 339.313 | Section | Recommending licensure of school, institution, or other person; recommending approval or recognition of program offering training or education. |
Section 339.314 | Section | Recommending approval or recognition of continuing education program. |
Section 339.315 | Section | Failure to receive licensure, approval, or recognition; protest; review. |
Section 339.316 | Section | Examination or test; development; consideration of material in closed session; alternative form of testing. |
Section 339.317 | Section | Surrendering files of abolished board; personnel, office space, and items or equipment to be utilized by successor board. |