MCL - 215-1895-X

Act 215 of 1895
Chapter X
Document Type Description
Section 90.1 Section Violations; commencement of action; time limitation.
Section 90.4 Section Violations; commencement of action; warrant for arrest.
Section 90.5 Section Contents, form, and issuance of warrant; law governing proceedings.
Section 90.6 Section Judgment or conviction; limitation on sanctions; costs.
Section 90.7 Section Judgment; execution; fine and imprisonment.
Section 90.8 Section Imprisonment; city use of county jail.
Section 90.9 Section Process; direction and execution.
Section 90.10 Section Cause of action; allegations; applicability of subsection (1); judicial notice.
Section 90.11 Section Trial by jury.
Section 90.12 Section Appeal; judicial notice of ordinances and resolutions.
Section 90.13 Section Fines imposed for violations; payment.
Section 90.14 Section Fines imposed for violations; neglect of receiver, penalty.
Section 90.15 Section Fines imposed for violations; disposition.
Section 90.16 Section District court; jurisdiction; proceedings; applicable laws.
Section 90.17 Section Repealed. 1978, Act 539, Imd. Eff. Dec. 22, 1978.
Section 90.18 Section Prosecutions by person other than officer; security filed for payment of costs.