Act 280 of 1939400.117c County treasurer as custodian of money; creation and maintenance of child care fund; deposits in fund; use of fund; separate account for fund; subaccounts; plan and budget for funding foster care services; records of juvenile justice services and expenditures; child care fund reimbursable claims; evidence of compliance with parameters; applicability of section to county juvenile agency.Sec. 117c.
(1) The county treasurer is designated as the custodian of all money provided for the use of the county department, the family division of circuit court, and the agency designated by the county board of commissioners or, if a county has a county executive, chief administrative officer, or county manager, that individual to provide juvenile justice services. The county treasurer shall create and maintain a child care fund. The following money shall be deposited in the child care fund:
(a) All money raised by the county for the use of the county department for the foster care of children with respect to whom the family division of circuit court has not taken jurisdiction.
(b) Money for the foster care of children under the jurisdiction of the family division of circuit court raised by the county with the view of receiving supplementary funds for this purpose from the state government as provided in section 117a.
(c) All funds made available by the state government for foster care of children.
(d) All payments made in respect to support orders issued by the family division of circuit court for the reimbursement of government for expenditures made or to be made from the child care fund for the foster care of children.
(e) All prepayments and refunds for reimbursement of county departments for the foster care of children.
(f) Money for the foster care of children under the jurisdiction of the court of general criminal jurisdiction committed to a county facility or a court facility for juveniles in the county in which the court of general criminal jurisdiction is located.
(g) All payments made in respect to support orders issued by the court of general criminal jurisdiction for the reimbursement of government for expenditures made or to be made from the child care fund for the foster care of children.
(2) The child care fund shall be used for the costs of providing foster care for children under sections 18c and 117a and under the jurisdiction of the family division of circuit court or court of general criminal jurisdiction.
(3) The child care fund may be used to pay the county's share of the cost of maintaining children at the Michigan children's institute under 1935 PA 220, MCL 400.201 to 400.214, or public wards under the youth rehabilitation services act, 1974 PA 150, MCL 803.301 to 803.309.
(4) The account for the child care fund shall be maintained separate and apart from all other accounts of county funds. The fund shall be used exclusively for carrying out the purposes authorized by this act. The county board of commissioners shall distinguish in its appropriations for the child care fund the sums of money to be used by the family division of circuit court, the county department, and the agency designated by the county board of commissioners or the county executive to provide juvenile justice services. The county treasurer shall keep these segregated in proper subaccounts.
(5) A county annually shall develop and submit a plan and budget for the funding of foster care services for approval. Funds shall not be distributed under section 117a except for reimbursement of expenditures made under an approved plan and budget. Neither the department nor the county shall seek reimbursement for expenditures, except if those expenditures were made under an approved plan and budget or according to department policy.
(6) A county shall make and preserve accurate records of its juvenile justice services and expenditures. Upon the department's request, the information contained in the records shall be available to the office.
(7) Counties shall utilize and make available to the department, upon request, evidence of compliance with the following parameters with regard to child care fund reimbursable claims:
(a) Donated funds may be deposited into the county child care fund and are not subject to offset if either of the following applies:
(i) The donor is not the intended recipient of a contract to be funded by the donated funds.
(ii) The donor is an intended recipient of a contract to be funded by the donated funds and the donor is able to document the source of the money comprising the donated funds.
(b) The following conditions apply to requests for reimbursement of expenditures from the county's donated funds program:
(i) The county shall identify the donor of the funds and shall certify that the donor is not the recipient of a contract funded by the donated funds or the donor is the recipient of a contract funded by the donated funds and has documented the source of the money comprising the donated funds.
(ii) Donated funds shall be identified by donor, source of money comprising the donated funds, the date the money was provided to the donor, and the date the donated funds were deposited into the county child care fund.
(iii) The county must ensure transparency relating to service delivery by donor-funded providers. The county shall ensure donor-funded providers complete an annual certification of fund eligibility and shall make available to the department the solicitation, evaluation, and selection process of awarding a contract to a donor-funded provider.
(8) This section does not apply to a county that is a county juvenile agency.
History: Add. 1978, Act 87, Eff. Apr. 1, 1978
Am. 1980, Act 328, Imd. Eff. Dec. 19, 1980
Am. 1988, Act 75, Eff. Oct. 1, 1988
Am. 1988, Act 223, Eff. Apr. 1, 1989
Am. 1998, Act 516, Imd. Eff. Jan. 12, 1999
Am. 2018, Act 21, Eff. May 15, 2018
Compiler's Notes: Section 3 of Act 75 of 1988 provides: “This amendatory act shall take effect June 1, 1988.” This section was amended by Act 178 of 1988 to read as follows: “This amendatory act shall take effect October 1, 1988.”For transfer of powers and duties of the Office of Children and Youth Services as a single-purpose entity within the Department of Social Services to the Department of Social Services, see E.R.O. No. 1991-8, compiled at MCL 400.221 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
Popular Name: Act 280