MCL - Index of Act 295 of 2008
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 295 of 2008 |
295-2008-1. | PART 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS (460.1001...460.1013) |
Section 460.1001 | Short title; purpose and goal of act; compliance costs and savings. |
Section 460.1003 | Definitions; A to D. |
Section 460.1005 | Definitions; E, F. |
Section 460.1007 | Definitions; G to M. |
Section 460.1009 | Definitions; N to P. |
Section 460.1011 | Definitions; R. |
Section 460.1013 | Definitions; S to W. |
295-2008-2-A | SUBPART A RENEWABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY (460.1021...460.1054) |
295-2008-2. | PART 2. ENERGY STANDARDS (460.1021...460.1113) |
Section 460.1021 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1022 | Electric provider whose rates are regulated by commission; establishment of revenue recovery mechanism; review of electric provider's amended renewable energy plan pursuant to filing schedule; contested case hearing; approval or rejection of plan and proposed amendments to plan. |
Section 460.1023 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1025 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1027 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1028 | Renewable energy credit portfolio; meeting renewable energy credit standards with renewable energy credits; means; submission and approval of contract; substitution of energy waste reduction credits for renewable energy credits; purchase power agreement; "cooperative electric provider" defined. |
Section 460.1029 | Renewable energy system location; applicability; use of renewable energy credits. |
Section 460.1031 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1032 | Extension of renewable energy credit portfolio deadline; petition; notification to legislature. |
Section 460.1033 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1035 | Resale of renewable energy under PURPA; investor-owned electric utility with less than 20,000 customers, a municipally-owned electric utility, or cooperative electric utility; resale under power purchase agreement or existing agreements; determination of number of renewable energy credits. |
Section 460.1037 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1039 | Granting 1 renewable energy credit for each megawatt hour of electricity generated from renewable energy system; conditions; granting Michigan incentive renewable energy credits; expiration. |
Section 460.1041 | Renewable energy credits; trade, sale, or transfer; demonstration of compliance; establishment of renewable energy credit certification and tracking program; use not required in state. |
Section 460.1043 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1045 | Charges for electric provider's tariffs that permit recovery of incremental costs of compliance; calculation. |
Section 460.1047 | Cost of service to be recovered by electric provider; recovery of incremental costs of compliance; calculation. |
Section 460.1049 | Renewable cost reconciliation; commencement; contested case proceeding; discovery; modifications of revenue recovery mechanism; reconciliation of revenues with amounts actually expensed and projected; duties of commission; adjustment revenue recovery mechanism; final order. |
Section 460.1051 | Clean energy portfolio requirements; member-regulated requirements; municipally owned electric utility requirements; written report to legislature. |
Section 460.1053 | Failure to meet requirements; civil action. |
Section 460.1054 | Powers of local units of government under MCL 125.3101 to 125.3702. |
295-2008-2-B. | SUBPART B. CUSTOMER-REQUESTED RENEWABLE ENERGY (460.1061...460.1061) |
Section 460.1061 | Voluntary green pricing program. |
295-2008-2-C. | SUBPART C. ENERGY WASTE REDUCTION (460.1071...460.1103) |
Section 460.1071 | Energy waste reduction plan; goal; provisions; limitation on expenditures; customer energy optimization plan. |
Section 460.1072 | Efficient electrification measures plan; health and safety benefits; calculation of reduction of energy consumption; recovery of costs. |
Section 460.1073 | Waste reduction plan; approval by commission; review; contested case hearing; proposed amendment; rejection of plan and amendments; applicability of section after December 31, 2024. |
Section 460.1074 | Energy waste reduction cost reconciliation. |
Section 460.1075 | Energy waste reduction plan; exceeding standard; authorization for commensurate financial incentive; payment; limitations; "life cycle cost reductions" defined. |
Section 460.1077 | Incremental energy savings; goals; determination; calculations; basis; substitution. |
Section 460.1078 | Petition by electric provider to establish alternative energy waste reduction level; petition by natural gas provider to establish alternative energy waste reduction standard; determination. |
Section 460.1079 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1080 | Low-income energy waste reduction programs; annual expenditures; minimization of barriers to participation. |
Section 460.1080a | Hiring of diverse energy waste reduction workforce and contractors; annual report. |
Section 460.1081 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Jan. 1, 2022. |
Section 460.1083 | Energy waste reduction credit; grant; expiration; carrying forward excess credits. |
Section 460.1085 | Energy waste reduction credit; transfer prohibited. |
Section 460.1087 | Certification and tracking program; credit. |
Section 460.1089 | Recovery of costs; limitation; capitalization costs; funding level for low income residential programs; authorization of natural gas provider to implement revenue decoupling mechanism. |
Section 460.1091 | Alternative compliance payment. |
Section 460.1093 | Self-directed energy waste reduction plan. |
Section 460.1095 | Duties and authority of commission; duties of Michigan agency for energy. |
Section 460.1097 | Compliance with energy waste reduction standards; reports; applicability of subsection (5). |
Section 460.1099 | Civil action against municipally owned electric utility or cooperative electric utility. |
Section 460.1101 | Statewide energy storage target; compliance; contracts; review and approval; long-term energy storage systems and multiday energy storage systems study; placed in service; definitions. |
Section 460.1103 | Report to commission on centralized and distributed electricity storage systems. |
295-2008-2-D. | SUBPART D. MISCELLANEOUS (460.1111...460.1113) |
Section 460.1111 | Municipally-owned electric utilities; new authority not granted to commission. |
Section 460.1113 | Pollution control equipment; use of natural gas in installation, operation, or testing; exemption; effective date of section. |
Section 460.1131 | Reduction in state government grid-based energy purchases; goal. |
Section 460.1133 | Department of management and budget; duties. |
295-2008-4. | PART 4. WIND ENERGY RESOURCE ZONE (460.1141...460.1161) |
Section 460.1141 | Definitions. |
Section 460.1143 | Wind energy resource zone board; membership. |
Section 460.1145 | Wind energy resource zone board; powers, duties, and decision-making authority; report. |
Section 460.1147 | Wind energy resource zone; designation; creation; preparation of order; report. |
Section 460.1149 | Electric utility, affiliated transmission company, or independent transmission company; expedited siting certificate; application; approvals. |
Section 460.1151 | Expedited siting certificate; application; contents. |
Section 460.1153 | Notice; conduct of proceeding; determination by commission that requirements are met; precedence; certificate as conclusive and binding; time period for granting or denying certificate. |
Section 460.1155 | Repealed. 2016, Act 342, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. |
Section 460.1157 | Construction of transmission line not prohibited. |
Section 460.1159 | Commission order subject to review; administration of part. |
Section 460.1161 | Eminent domain not conferred. |
295-2008-5. | PART 5. DISTRIBUTED GENERATION (460.1171...460.1185) |
Section 460.1171 | "Electric utility" defined. |
Section 460.1173 | Distributed generation program. |
Section 460.1175 | Participation in distribution generation program; application fee; limitation; costs; interconnection requirements. |
Section 460.1177 | Customer's inflow and outflow electricity in pricing period; credit. |
Section 460.1179 | Renewable energy credits. |
Section 460.1181 | Finding of noncompliance; remedies and penalties. |
Section 460.1183 | Customer participating in net metering program before tariff established pursuant to MCL 460.6a; election to continue to receive service under program. |
Section 460.1185 | Industrial customer building, owning, or operating self-generation or cogeneration facilities. |
295-2008-6. | PART 6. MISCELLANEOUS COMMISSION PROVISIONS (460.1191...460.1195) |
Section 460.1191 | Issuance of orders; promulgation of rules. |
Section 460.1193 | Contested case proceeding; intervention; confidential business information. |
Section 460.1195 | Authority of commission not limited. |
295-2008-7. | PART 7. RESIDENTIAL ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS (460.1201...460.1211) |
Section 460.1201 | Definitions. |
Section 460.1203 | Residential energy projects program; establishment; itemized charges; right to propose differing program. |
Section 460.1205 | Residential energy projects program; plan; filing; contents; approval; determination; review. |
Section 460.1207 | Baseline home energy audit required; verification; per-meter charge; shut off for nonpayment; obligation to pay. |
Section 460.1209 | Loan; term; limitation; repayment; interest. |
Section 460.1211 | Rules; report; program with differing elements or approval by commission. |
295-2008-8. | PART 8. WIND, SOLAR, AND STORAGE CERTIFICATION (460.1221.added...460.1232.added) |
Section 460.1221.added | Definitions. |
Section 460.1222.added | Applicability of part; certification for construction of an energy facility. |
Section 460.1223.added | Public meetings; site plan; application for approval; remedies upon denial. |
Section 460.1224.added | Site plan requirements. |
Section 460.1225.added | Application for certification under MCL 460.1222; contents. |
Section 460.1226.added | One-time grant to affected local unit; local intervenor compensation fund; proceedings; fees; issuance of certificate; commencement requirements. |
Section 460.1227.added | Host community agreement; refusal to enter; community benefits agreement; enforcement. |
Section 460.1227a.added | Certification of compliance. |
Section 460.1228.added | Public records; freedom of information act; confidentiality. |
Section 460.1229.added | Commission order; subject to review under MCL 462.26. |
Section 460.1230.added | Commission; administrative powers and duties; conflict of law; power of eminent domain. |
Section 460.1231.added | Local prohibition or regulation of testing activities; applicability of certain zoning ordinances or limitations. |
Section 460.1232.added | Severability. |