MCL - Index of Act 232 of 1863

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 232 of 1863 WATER POWER COMPANIES (486.1 - 486.22)
Section 486.1 Water power companies; incorporators; notice of formation; articles of association, contents.
Section 486.2 Articles of association; signing, filing, evidence; body corporate, powers.
Section 486.3 Board of directors; annual election, notice; officers, treasurer's bond; vacancy.
Section 486.4 Membership in association; procedure, rights.
Section 486.5 Repairs; permanent improvements, approval of members; expense.
Section 486.6 Repairs; statement, filing, contents.
Section 486.7 Assessment for repairs or improvements.
Section 486.8 Assessment; collection; non-payment, use of water prohibited.
Section 486.9 Assessment; notice to non-resident.
Section 486.10 Assessment; mortgage lien; preference.
Section 486.11 Mortgage lien; certificate, contents, recording.
Section 486.12 Mortgage lien; foreclosure.
Section 486.13 Mortgage lien; commencement of suit after 60 days.
Section 486.14 Meetings of members of associations; notice, proof of service, filing.
Section 486.15 Watchman; appointment, duties, compensation.
Section 486.16 Contracts made by board of directors.
Section 486.17 Treasurer; duties.
Section 486.18 Assessment; recovery, interest.
Section 486.19 Disposition of funds at annual meeting.
Section 486.20 By-laws of association; regulations, promulgation, publishing, enforcement; meetings.
Section 486.21 Stockholder's liability.
Section 486.22 Tenants in common; consent for improvements and repairs, liability.