MCL - Index of Act 224 of 1967

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 224 of 1967 POWERS OF APPOINTMENT ACT OF 1967 (556.111 - 556.133)
Section 556.111 Powers of appointment act; short title.
Section 556.112 Powers of appointment act; definitions.
Section 556.113 Powers of appointment; creation; donors, qualifications.
Section 556.114 Manifestation of intent to exercise.
Section 556.115 Methods by which powers may be exercised by donees.
Section 556.115a Second trust.
Section 556.116 Interests appointable by general powers; part of donee's estate.
Section 556.117 Naming appointees by donees of powers.
Section 556.118 Release of powers; method; delivery.
Section 556.119 Creation, exercise and release of powers; irrevocability.
Section 556.120 Contracts of donees of powers to make appointments; remedies.
Section 556.121 Instruments relating to powers to appoint interests in land; recording as conveyances.
Section 556.122 Special power; passing on donee's default.
Section 556.123 General powers; creditors' rights in appointable interests.
Section 556.124 Suspension or postponement of vesting of future interests; time period; definitions.
Section 556.125 Suspension or postponement of vesting of future interests; time period when trust creator reserves power to amend or revoke.
Section 556.126 Postponement of vesting of future interests; law determining period.
Section 556.127 Postponement of vesting of future interests; facts and circumstances to be considered.
Section 556.128 Reserved power of revocation; effect on creditors and purchasers.
Section 556.129 Law applicability; construction of act.
Section 556.130 Death of appointee prior to exercise of power.
Section 556.131 Membership of class; determination; after born members.
Section 556.132 Applicability of act.
Section 556.133 Repeal.