MCL - Index of Act 128 of 1887

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 128 of 1887 MARRIAGE LICENSE (551.101 - 551.111)
Section 551.101 Marriage license; requirements; place to obtain, delivery to person officiating.
Section 551.102 Blank form for marriage license and certificate; preparation, contents, and distribution; furnishing blank forms of affidavit of competency; filing affidavit; electronic filing; license as matter of record; transmission to department of community health; social security number; application exempt from disclosure.
Section 551.103 Persons capable of contracting marriage; age requirement; proof of age; certification of license; copy of license; fee; allocation for family counseling services; return and disposition of unexpended funds; waiver of fee; additional fee for nonresidents; delivery of license and certificate to officiating individual; recording information; forwarding licenses and certificates to state registrar; imposition of fee by certain charter counties.
Section 551.103a Marriage license; time of delivery; solemnization of marriage required.
Section 551.104 Certificate completion; officiating person duty; original license return; record.
Section 551.105 County clerk; violation of act, misdemeanor, penalty.
Section 551.106 Person officiating at marriage; violation of act, misdemeanor, penalty.
Section 551.107 Failure to return certificate; misdemeanor, penalty.
Section 551.108 Marriage license; false statement in application, perjury.
Section 551.109 Filing reports of marriage; record.
Section 551.110 License, certificate or certified copy record as evidence.
Section 551.111 License or certificate errors; evidence, correction.