MCL - Index of Act 12 of 1947

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 12 of 1947 VETERANS' MILITARY PAY ACT (35.921 - 35.932)
Section 35.921 Veterans' military pay act; short title.
Section 35.922 Definitions.
Section 35.923 Payment to veteran; maximum for domestic and foreign service.
Section 35.924 Payment to beneficiary of deceased veteran; maximum.
Section 35.924a Payment to parents of deceased veteran; maximum, appropriation.
Section 35.924b Construction of act; payments.
Section 35.925 Application for payment by veteran or beneficiary; requirements, evidence of service.
Section 35.926 Veterans' military pay fund; creation, payment procedure; nonassignability of claims; rejection of claim, notice, appeal; exemptions; expenses of court; review of claims denied prior to act.
Section 35.927 Administration of act; authority of state administrative board; claims.
Section 35.928 Administration of act; expenses; payment; appropriation.
Section 35.929 Application for payment; wilful falsification, penalty.
Section 35.930 Payments deemed gifts.
Section 35.931 Application for payment; filing, time limit, exceptions.
Section 35.932 Aid from Congress; acceptance by state administrative board.