MCL - Index of 92-2000-I

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
92-2000-I CHAPTER I SHORT TITLE, SCOPE, DEFINITIONS (289.1101...289.1121)
Section 289.1101 Short title.
Section 289.1103 Scope.
Section 289.1105 Definitions; A to C; unsafe substances, additives, or chemicals.
Section 289.1107 Definitions; D to F.
Section 289.1109 Definitions; G to P.
Section 289.1111 Definitions; R to W.
Section 289.1113 Terms defined in act; meanings; use of terms "critical violation" and "noncritical violation."
Section 289.1115 Repealed. 2007, Act 113, Eff. Apr. 1, 2008.
Section 289.1117 Repealed. 2007, Act 113, Eff. Apr. 1, 2008.
Section 289.1119 Rules; “act” and “establishment” defined.
Section 289.1121 Authority and powers of director.