MCL - Index of 523-1980-1
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
523-1980-1 | ARTICLE 1 (32.1001...32.1006a) |
Section 32.1001 | Short title. |
Section 32.1002 | Definitions. |
Section 32.1003 | Applicability; subject matter jurisdiction; convening and holding courts-martial and courts of inquiry out of state; offenses committed out of state; trial and punishment. |
Section 32.1004 | Relieving person from trial by court-martial; limitation; trial by court-martial of person charged with fraudulently obtaining discharge; effect of conviction. |
Section 32.1005 | Application by dismissed officer for trial by court-martial; convening general court-martial; jurisdiction; waiver of right to plead statute of limitations; affirming dismissal; substituting discharge authorized for administrative issuance; reappointment of officer. |
Section 32.1006 | State staff judge advocate; appointment; eligibility; inspections; communications; individual acting in court-martial case prohibited from acting as staff judge advocate or judge advocate to, or as a member of, reviewing authority or military appeals tribunal on same case. |
Section 32.1006a | Victim rights; designation of representative; construction of section; appeals; procedures and protections; victim interviews. |