MCL - Index of 451-1994-II-3-117

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
451-1994-II-3-117 PART 117 SEPTAGE WASTE SERVICERS (324.11701...324.11721)
Section 324.11701 Definitions.
Section 324.11702 Septage waste licensing; requirement.
Section 324.11703 Septage waste servicing license; application; eligibility; records.
Section 324.11704 Septage waste vehicle license; application; display; transportation of hazardous waste or liquid industrial by-product.
Section 324.11705 Septage waste vehicle, tank, and accessory equipment; requirements.
Section 324.11706 Review of applications; providing health department with copies of application materials; investigations; issuance of license; license nontransferable; duration of license.
Section 324.11707 Display on both sides of septage waste vehicle.
Section 324.11708 Disposal of septage waste at receiving facility; fee; order prohibiting operation of wastewater treatment plant.
Section 324.11709 Disposal of septage waste on land; permit required; additional information; notice; renewal; revocation of permit.
Section 324.11710 Requirements to which permit subject.
Section 324.11711 Surface application of septage waste to frozen ground; requirements.
Section 324.11712 Applicability of federal regulations.
Section 324.11713 Inspection of disposal site.
Section 324.11714 Prohibited disposition of septage waste into certain bodies of water.
Section 324.11715 Preemption; duty of governmental unit to make available public septage waste receiving facility; posting of surety.
Section 324.11715b Rules; requirements for receiving facilities and control of nuisance conditions; notice of operation; penalties for noncompliance.
Section 324.11715d Advisory committee to make recommendations on septage waste storage facility management practices.
Section 324.11716 Certification of city, county, and district departments of health to carry out powers and duties.
Section 324.11717 Septage waste site contingency fund; creation; authorization of expenditures.
Section 324.11717b Fees for persons engaged in septage waste servicing.
Section 324.11718 Rules.
Section 324.11719 Violation or false statement as misdemeanor; penalties.
Section 324.11720 Temporary variance from act.
Section 324.11721 Farm operation exemption; requirements.