MCL - Index of 451-1994-II-3-115-11

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
451-1994-II-3-115-11 SUBPART 11 MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLANS (324.11571...324.11587)
Section 324.11571 Approved materials management plan (MMP); county approval; notification of intent; requirements; time period; county approval agency (CAA); duties; electronic mail.
Section 324.11572 Planning committee; membership; terms.
Section 324.11573 Planning committee; responsibilities.
Section 324.11574 Designated planning agency (DPA); responsibilities; copies; revisions; formal action.
Section 324.11575 Approval or rejection of materials management plan; deadline and extension; implementation of final plan.
Section 324.11576 Amending a materials management plan; procedures; permissible changes without amendment.
Section 324.11577 Materials management plan goals.
Section 324.11578 Materials management plan requirements.
Section 324.11579 Materials management plan; siting process; exception.
Section 324.11580 Preparation of materials management plan by the department; requirements.
Section 324.11581 Implementation of materials management plan; funding mechanisms.
Section 324.11582 County approval agency; certification of materials management goals; eligibility for assistance.
Section 324.11583 Enforceability of certain local and state laws.
Section 324.11584 Flow of solid waste or managed material; control requirements; departmental duties; database.
Section 324.11585 Disposal area or materials utilization facility; consistency with materials management plan; captive type III landfill; independent evaluation; coal ash.
Section 324.11586 State solid waste management plan.
Section 324.11587 Materials management planning grant program.