MCL - Index of 451-1994-I-5

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
451-1994-I-5 PART 5 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (324.501...324.513)
Section 324.501 Department of natural resources; creation; powers and duties; commission of natural resources; creation; powers; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; vacancy; removal; meetings; secretary; chairperson; quorum; conducting business at public meeting; notice; appointment and employment of director; appointment of deputy director, assistants, and employees; powers and duties of persons delegated decision making authority; vacancy in office of director; compensation and expenses; offices and equipment; oath.
Section 324.501a Jurisdiction, rights, and responsibilities of Great Lakes states and provinces.
Section 324.502 Rules; powers of department; contracts for taking and storage of mineral products; disposition and use of money; drilling operations for taking oil or gas from lake bottomlands of Great Lakes; prohibition; compliance with applicable ordinances and statutes.
Section 324.502a Designation of state land reserve; petition, recommendation, or motion; eligibility for commission consideration; public testimony; issuance of commission recommendation; offer and adoption of resolution by legislature; purchase, trade, or acquisition of other holdings.
Section 324.503 Duties of department; powers and jurisdiction; purchase of surface rights; limitations; record; strategic plan; managed public land strategy; volunteers; granting concessions; lease and sale of land; reservation of mineral rights; sale of economic share of royalty interests; definitions.
Section 324.503a Environmental protection fund.
Section 324.503b Divestment from terror act; compliance by state treasurer.
Section 324.504 Department of natural resources; rules for protection and preservation of lands and property; copies to legislative committees; duties of department; applicability of subsection (2) to commercial forestland; public access to certain land; written resolution requesting removal of human-made barrier; expanding access to certain state land for outdoor recreation; certain rules prohibited; orders; violation as civil infraction; fine.
Section 324.505 Federal fish stock and programs; application; listing of programs supplied to legislature.
Section 324.506 Availability of writings to public.
Section 324.507 Declaration of necessity.
Section 324.508 Fees and rentals for photographic or publication products or services; disposition and use; limitation; unexpended fees and rentals.
Section 324.509 Permit for use of state parks; disposition of revenue from permit fees and concessions at state parks; use of fees for processing applications for use of state forests; creation of forest land user fund.
Section 324.509a MacMullan conference center account; creation and establishment; deposits; purpose; annual report.
Section 324.509b MacMullan conference center; restrictions on availability.
Section 324.510 Disposition of certain reimbursements and other money; disposition and use of aircraft fees; limitation.
Section 324.511 Fees for department of natural resources magazine, publications, and related materials; disposition and use of fees; retained earnings; disposition of unexpended fees and excess collections; annual allocation to magazine account; accounting records.
Section 324.512 Film production located in state; authorization by director or commission to use property; exception; cooperation with Michigan film office; definitions.
Section 324.513 Gift certificates.