MCL - Index of 40-1956-12.

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
40-1956-12. CHAPTER 12. REVOLVING FUNDS FOR DRAINS. (280.301...280.307)
Section 280.301 Revolving drain fund; creation, use.
Section 280.302 Revolving drain fund; use; intercounty drains; expenses after date of letting drain contracts.
Section 280.303 Revolving drain fund; accounting records; reimbursement.
Section 280.304 Revolving drain fund; deposit in bank; interest.
Section 280.305 Revolving drain fund; transfer to particular drain fund of moneys under former law, use.
Section 280.306 Revolving fund; expenditures or obligation before completion of improvement; report to county board of commissioners; apportionment.
Section 280.307 Revolving fund; expenditures or obligation before completion of improvement; intercounty drainage district, apportionment; recovery of money.