MCL - Index of 368-1978-10-102

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
368-1978-10-102 PART 102 DISPOSITION OF HUMAN BODY PARTS (333.10201...333.11101)
Section 333.10201 Definitions.
Section 333.10202 Removal of cornea; circumstances.
Section 333.10203 Removal of cornea; liability.
Section 333.10204 Prohibited conduct; felony; permissible practices; definitions; rules.
Section 333.10205 Surgical removal of human organ for transplant, implant, infusion, injection or other purpose; facilities; exceptions; rules; violation as felony.
Section 333.10251 Organ transplant services; discrimination against individuals with disability; prohibition; action for injunctive relief; definitions.
Section 333.10301 Peace of mind registry; creation, operation, and maintenance; report; rules; immunity from civil liability; legal weight and validity; definitions.
Section 333.11101 Prohibited donation or sale of blood or blood products; notice of violation.