MCL - Index of 270-1984-8

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
270-1984-8 CHAPTER 8 (125.2081...125.2087)
Section 125.2081 “Economic development fund” defined.
Section 125.2082 Center for product development; establishment and operation.
Section 125.2083 Product development program account; payments into account; transfer or deposit of money.
Section 125.2084 Product development program account; utilization of money; purpose; terms and conditions of financial aid; condition to financial aid.
Section 125.2085 Recipients of financial aid.
Section 125.2086 Amount of financial aid and terms of venture agreement; evaluation and examination.
Section 125.2086a Financial aid to nonprofit corporation; powers and duties of corporation; fund as party to venture agreement; provisions of venture agreement.
Section 125.2087 Advisory panel; purpose; membership; report; recommendation.