MCL - Index of 175-1927-XVII-6

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
175-1927-XVII-6 PART 6 SENTENCING GRIDS (777.61...777.69)
Section 777.61 Minimum sentence ranges for class M2.
Section 777.62 Minimum sentence ranges for class A.
Section 777.63 Minimum sentence ranges for class B.
Section 777.64 Minimum sentence ranges for class C.
Section 777.65 Minimum sentence ranges for class D.
Section 777.66 Minimum sentence ranges for class E.
Section 777.67 Minimum sentence ranges for class F.
Section 777.68 Minimum sentence ranges for class G.
Section 777.69 Minimum sentence ranges for class H.