MCL - Index of 175-1927-XVII-5

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
175-1927-XVII-5 PART 5 PRIOR RECORD VARIABLES (777.50...777.57)
Section 777.50 Conviction or juvenile adjudication 10 or more years from discharge and commission of next offense.
Section 777.51 Prior high severity felony convictions.
Section 777.52 Prior low severity felony convictions.
Section 777.53 Prior high severity juvenile adjudications.
Section 777.54 Prior low severity juvenile adjudications.
Section 777.55 Prior misdemeanor convictions or prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications.
Section 777.56 Relationship to criminal justice system.
Section 777.57 Subsequent or concurrent felony convictions.