MCL - Index of 175-1927-XVII-5
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
175-1927-XVII-5 | PART 5 PRIOR RECORD VARIABLES (777.50...777.57) |
Section 777.50 | Conviction or juvenile adjudication 10 or more years from discharge and commission of next offense. |
Section 777.51 | Prior high severity felony convictions. |
Section 777.52 | Prior low severity felony convictions. |
Section 777.53 | Prior high severity juvenile adjudications. |
Section 777.54 | Prior low severity juvenile adjudications. |
Section 777.55 | Prior misdemeanor convictions or prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications. |
Section 777.56 | Relationship to criminal justice system. |
Section 777.57 | Subsequent or concurrent felony convictions. |