MCL - Index of 116-1954-XVIIA

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Section 168.385 Metropolitan district election coordinator; duties.
Section 168.385a Metropolitan district officer; eligibility; term.
Section 168.386 Metropolitan district officer; nominating petition; form; signature of elector; examination and investigation; withdrawal.
Section 168.386a Canvass of votes by board of canvassers; election; statement of returns and certification; votes subject to recount.
Section 168.386b Statement of returns and certification; preservation and filing by metropolitan district election coordinator; execution of certificate of election.
Section 168.387 Notification of member-elect; acceptance; filing; forwarding copy.
Section 168.387a Oath; immediate vacancy; events.
Section 168.388 Metropolitan district officer; vacancy filled by appointment; election; notice.
Section 168.389 Ballot question.
Section 168.389a Actual costs of election; payment; verified account; disapproval; failure to agree on actual costs.
Section 168.390 Recall.