MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 2/16/2025
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 275 of 2024

House Bill 6305 of 2008



Mental health: community mental health; Mental health: facilities; Corrections: alternatives
Mental health; community mental health; jail diversion program for certain individuals with mental illness or disability; revise. Amends secs. 401 & 406 of 1974 PA 258 (MCL 330.1401 & 330.1406); adds secs. 207a, 207b, 207c, 207d, 207e & 207f & repeals sec. 207 of 1974 PA 258 (MCL 330.1207).


[PDF] [HTML] House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes


House Fiscal Agency Analysis

[Summary as Introduced (09-17-08) PDF] [Summary as Introduced (09-17-08) HTML] Summary as Introduced (09-17-08)
This document analyzes HB6305


(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)
Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date Journal Action
6/28/2008 HJ 66 Pg. 1925 introduced by Representative Andrew Meisner
6/28/2008 HJ 66 Pg. 1925 read a first time
6/28/2008 HJ 66 Pg. 1925 referred to Committee on Judiciary
7/16/2008 HJ 67 Pg. 1927 printed bill filed 06/30/2008
12/02/2008 HJ 88 Pg. 2735 notice given to discharge committee
12/03/2008 HJ 89 Pg. 2796 motion to discharge committee approved
12/03/2008 HJ 89 Pg. 2796 placed on second reading
12/04/2008 HJ 90 Pg. 2873 read a second time
12/04/2008 HJ 90 Pg. 2873 substitute H-1 adopted
12/04/2008 HJ 90 Pg. 2873 placed on third reading
12/04/2008 HJ 90 Pg. 2874 placed on immediate passage
12/04/2008 HJ 90 Pg. 2874 read a third time
12/04/2008 HJ 90 Pg. 2874 defeated Roll Call # 1001 Yeas 47 Nays 56
12/04/2008 HJ 90 Pg. 2874 vote on passage reconsidered
12/04/2008 HJ 90 Pg. 2874 postponed for the day