House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes
House Bill 5678 of 2006
- Chris Ward (District 66)
- Tim Moore (District 97)
- Howard Walker (District 104)
- Kevin Elsenheimer (District 105)
- Matthew Gillard (District 106)
- Rich Brown (District 110)
- Stephen Adamini (District 109)
- Bill McConico (District 5)
- Steve Tobocman (District 12)
- Gary McDowell (District 107)
- Joel Sheltrown (District 103)
- Jeff Mayes (District 96)
- John Espinoza (District 83)
- Joe Hune (District 47)
- Goeff Hansen (District 100)
- Tupac Hunter (District 9)
- Lee Gonzales (District 49)
- Rick Jones (District 71)
- Virgil Smith (District 7)
- Michael C Murphy (District 68)
- Alexander C Lipsey (District 60)
- Roger Kahn (District 94)
- Jerry O Kooiman (District 75)
- Bill Caul (District 99)
- Bill Huizenga (District 90)
- Barb Vander Veen (District 89)
- Tom Pearce (District 73)
- Glenn Steil (District 72)
- Gary Newell (District 87)
- Darwin Booher (District 102)
- Rick Shaffer (District 59)
- Phil Pavlov (District 81)
- Judy Emmons (District 70)
- Rick Baxter (District 64)
- David Farhat (District 91)
- Tom Casperson (District 108)
- Richard Ball (District 85)
- Tonya Schuitmaker (District 80)
- Jacob Hoogendyk (District 61)
- Leslie Mortimer (District 65)
- Daniel Acciavatti (District 32)
- Neal Nitz (District 78)
- John Stahl (District 82)
- Bruce Caswell (District 58)
- Scott Hummel (District 93)
- Mike Nofs (District 62)
- William VanRegenmorter (District 74)
- Tom Meyer (District 84)
- Marsha Cheeks (District 6)
- Fulton Sheen (District 88)
School aid; foundation allowance; amount of difference in foundation grants awarded to K-12 schools; require reduction in. Amends sec. 20 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1620).
(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon