House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes
House Bill 4397 of 2005
- Michael Sak (District 76)
- Bill McConico (District 5)
- Herb Kehrl (District 56)
- Joel Sheltrown (District 103)
- Lee Gonzales (District 49)
- Gino Polidori (District 15)
- Rich Brown (District 110)
- Gretchen Whitmer (District 69)
- Michael C Murphy (District 68)
- Andy Meisner (District 27)
- Mary Waters (District 4)
- Frank Accavitti (District 42)
- Jim Plakas (District 16)
- Ed Clemente (District 14)
- Paula Zelenko (District 50)
- Brenda Clack (District 34)
- Hoon-Yung Hopgood (District 22)
- Tupac Hunter (District 9)
- Steve Tobocman (District 12)
- Andy Dillon (District 17)
- Chris Kolb (District 53)
- Aldo Vagnozzi (District 37)
- Fulton Sheen (District 88)
- Paul Condino (District 35)
Communications; telecommunications; cell phone numbers listed with directory assistance; provide for. Amends sec. 309 of 1991 PA 179 (MCL 484.2309).
(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon