House Bill 5919 of 2004

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State; symbol; Michigan treasure cookie; establish as the official state cookie. Creates new act.


Bill Document Formatting Information
House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes


House Fiscal Agency Analysis

Summary as Introduced (06-07-04)
This document analyzes HB5919
Analysis as Reported from Committee (06-09-04)
This document analyzes HB5919


(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)
Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date Journal Action
5/18/2004 HJ 43 Pg. 988 referred to Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management
6/08/2004 HJ 52 Pg. 1217 reported with recommendation without amendment(s)
6/08/2004 HJ 52 Pg. 1217 referred to second reading
6/08/2004 HJ 52 Pg. 1217 laid over one day under the rules
8/04/2004 HJ 72 Pg. 1779 placed on third reading
8/04/2004 HJ 72 Pg. 1780 placed on immediate passage
8/04/2004 HJ 72 Pg. 1780 postponed temporarily