MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 2/17/2025
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 275 of 2024

House Bill 5409 of 2004



Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; Crimes: domestic violence; Children: other
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; penalty provisions for violent crime committed in presence of a child; include in sentencing guidelines, and establish certain warrant and police policies for domestic violence involving individuals who have had a dating relationship. Amends sec. 1a, ch. IV, sec. 16a, ch. IX, sec. 22, ch. XVI, & secs. 1, 15g, 16m, 16z, 22 & 35, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 764.1a et seq.).


[PDF] [HTML] House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes
[PDF] [HTML] As Passed by the House
The As Passed by the House version is the bill, as introduced, that includes any adoped House amendments


House Fiscal Agency Analysis

[Analysis as Reported from Committee (12-01-04) PDF] [Analysis as Reported from Committee (12-01-04) HTML] Analysis as Reported from Committee (12-01-04)
This document analyzes HB5409
[Summary of Substitute H-1 (11-30-04) PDF] [Summary of Substitute H-1 (11-30-04) HTML] Summary of Substitute H-1 (11-30-04)
This document analyzes HB5409


(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)
Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date Journal Action
1/20/2004 HJ 2 Pg. 22 referred to Committee on Criminal Justice
12/01/2004 HJ 88 Pg. 2639 reported with recommendation with substitute H-2
12/01/2004 HJ 88 Pg. 2639 referred to second reading
12/01/2004 HJ 88 Pg. 2639 laid over one day under the rules
12/02/2004 HJ 89 Pg. 2658 substitute H-2 adopted
12/02/2004 HJ 89 Pg. 2658 placed on third reading
12/02/2004 HJ 89 Pg. 2658 placed on immediate passage
12/02/2004 HJ 89 Pg. 2658 passed; given immediate effect Roll Call # 972 Yeas 99 Nays 0
12/02/2004 HJ 89 Pg. 2658 title amended